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[AI] Western-Style CV template

[Your Full Name]

[Your Address]

[City, State ZIP Code]

[Your Email Address]

[Your Phone Number]

[LinkedIn Profile - optional]


Results-oriented and detail-driven Computer Technician seeking to contribute technical expertise and problem-solving skills to a dynamic IT team. Adept at hardware troubleshooting, system maintenance, and providing excellent customer support.


[Degree Earned] in [Your Major]

[University Name], [City, State]

[Graduation Date]


- CompTIA A+

- [Other Relevant Certifications]


- Operating Systems: Windows, Linux

- Hardware: PC assembly, troubleshooting

- Networking: TCP/IP, LAN/WAN

- Programming Languages: [If applicable]

- Software: [List any relevant software/tools]

- Excellent problem-solving and communication skills


[Job Title]

[Company Name], [Location]

[Dates of Employment]

- Bullet point describing responsibilities and achievements

- Bullet point describing responsibilities and achievements

- Bullet point describing responsibilities and achievements

[Job Title]

[Company Name], [Location]

[Dates of Employment]

- Bullet point describing responsibilities and achievements

- Bullet point describing responsibilities and achievements

- Bullet point describing responsibilities and achievements


[Project Title]

- Brief description of the project, technologies used, and your role

[Project Title]

- Brief description of the project, technologies used, and your role


- Any relevant awards, recognitions, or notable achievements

Professional Memberships:

- [List any memberships in professional organizations]


Available upon request.


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