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Showing posts from August, 2015

Một số lưu ý khi thết kế phần cứng

1. Xử lý các chân MCU khi không được sử dụng + Nối vào nguồn hoặc đất qua 1 con trở, tránh tình trạng thả nổi (floating). + Cấu hình chân đó là output hoặc input pull-up Lý do: When you have a not connected pin, the first thing you need is to clamp it to a rail, either Vcc or ground. You need this because a floating state may cause an intermediate state in the input buffers, leading to static power absorption. To force a level, you can either set the pin as output or input with internal pull-up . My measurements didn't show any difference in the power absorbed with the two solutions, but the manual (of a Jennic microcontroller) suggested to use the latter (input with pull-up). I'd say it's reasonable, because it uses a weaker pull-up than the output mode, and this may reduce leakage. 2. TBD