Recently, I embarked on an exciting Arduino project where I needed to convert Vietnamese Unicode strings into their unaccented equivalents. The goal was simple, but I quickly ran into a problem: the conversion process wasn’t working as expected. Characters like "Độc lập tự do" were returning as a string of question marks! I reached out for help and discovered that the issue was rooted in the way UTF-8 encoding was handled in my code. With some guidance, I learned how to properly decode UTF-8 characters into their Unicode equivalents before converting them. By breaking down the string into manageable arrays and thoroughly testing each case, I finally got the correct output: "Doc lap tu do." This project taught me the importance of understanding encoding and the value of community support in problem-solving. Now, my Arduino project runs smoothly, converting Vietnamese text as intended! The serial Monitor output: Unicode & Vietnamese Legacy Character Encodings htt...
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