PCB Board Manufacturing Tutorial Our goal is to make this the easiest online tutorial for learning how printed circuit boards are manufactured. There are several unique steps in the PCB manufacture process. This circuit board manufacture tutorial is meant to familiarize you with those steps. Scroll down to view the steps in the circuit board manufacturing process. Steps in PCB Circuit Board Manufacturing Step#1 Film Generation: Generated from your design files, we create an exact film representation of your design. We will create one film per layer. Từ file thiết kế, tạo ra các lớp film Step#2 Shear Raw Material: Industry standard 0.059" thick, copper clad, two sides. Panels will be sheared to accommodate many boards. Chuẩn bị board đồng, cắt ra hình dạng mạch cần làm. (Có thể cắt 1 lúc nhiều board, số lượng, kích thước board còn phụ thuộc vào việc SMT sau này) Step#3 Drill Holes: Using NC machines and carbide drills. Khoan lỗ(holes,vias) sử dụng máy N...
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